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Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents, Survivors, and Caregivers 2025 Edition

“We honor your patriotic service to our nation.  We value your great leadership and devotion to our veterans. We salute your courage and conviction to advance equality for LGBTQ veterans and service members of  the armed forces. You are an inspiration to everyone as you lead us in the causes of liberty, equality and justice. You are a true American hero!”


Statement by Bill Kibler: 

I’m honored to have received an award that they had to create in order to present it. I cannot accept this alone. I accept this award on behalf of every Veteran who chooses to get out of bed every morning and face the day’s challenges. Each of us endures our own struggles, yet manages to pull through and sets out to accomplish what needs to be addressed. Never give up on your hopes and dreams or you’re destined to fail.

Per the White House VA Hotline:
If you are an LGBTQ Veteran and need assistance with your discharge upgraded to Honorable visit these two websites:

U.S. Department of Defense:

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs > How to apply for a discharge upgrade:

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The process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences, especially through mental, emotional, and behavioral flexibility and adjustment to external and internal demands.”

From my former employer of 13.5 years where I maintained the Journals Program website and InPress server, I strongly recommend visiting this webpage


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40+ Groups… Forums… Chatroom… Videos… and more!

Email Bill with your wishlist!

Join us as we welcome Equal Pride the Portal Groups! Equal Pride is proudly LGBTQ-owned and operated and is a leading voice on equality with LGBTQ, women and people of color. Equal Pride asks all of our friends and supporters to please visit, follow and subscribe to one or more of our brands. Stay informed. Stay inspired. Stay Equal. Equal Pride.
Be sure to see their unique Groups within the Portal – Out, The Advocate, Plus, Pride, Celebrity Page, and OutTraveler

Dating & Match Making Website + APP Coming Soon! 


Featuring The Pink Marine

Coming soon to Netflix!
The Pink Marine is a memoir set in the 1980s U.S. Marine Corps. Greg Cope White, our unlikely hero, is a gay 18-year-old who joins the USMC with his straight best friend Dale. And it’s insanely dangerous for both of them because being gay in the military is illegal – yes, against the law.
Enlisting was his first battle – he has to cheat to pass the physical and then lie on the enlistment papers about his sexuality. This was a time when Out was not In.

Mission Possible: The Story of Repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

C. Dixon Osburn’s Mission Possible describes the strategy that he and Michelle Benecke, co-founders of SLDN devised to overcome impossible odds. It’s a story about the politics of fear and the consequences of a government that tries to muzzle its citizens. It is also a searing, heartbreaking, and ultimately triumphant story of the power of coming out, building a movement, and political savvy. Mission Possible shows that overcoming the odds is both possible and essential.

Federal judge rules that LGBTQ+ veterans can sue Pentagon over ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ discharges

Read full story on Advocate.com

Biden pardons thousands of veterans convicted under military law that banned gay sex

Biden pardons veterans convicted under military law that banned gay sex (usatoday.com)

This Gay Veteran Spent 2 Years in Jail Now He can get a pardon
This gay veteran spent 2 years in jail because he had sex. He can finally get a pardon. – LGBTQ  Nation

LGBTQ+ veterans dishonorably discharged from military push to upgrade records

The wrongs committed by the Department of Defense against LGBTQ+ service members have yet to be fully addressed.

Breaking News

LGBTQ+ veterans who were discharged from the military due to their sexuality got a win this week when a judge denied the Department of Defense’s motion to dismiss the case.
The lawsuit represents gay and bi veterans who were discharged because of rules like Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell that barred them from serving in the military. The federal complaint, which was filed last year, said that 35,081 veterans were discharged or otherwise separated from the military “because of real or perceived homosexuality, homosexual conduct, sexual perversion or any other related reason” from 1980 to 2011.


“More veterans with other-than-honorable discharges will be able to access federal benefits under new rules announced by the Department of Veterans Affairs on Thursday. Officials said the rules are designed to ensure that troops booted for homosexuality, undiagnosed mental health issues or other questionable reasons can access needed care and are recognized for their service.” https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/retirement/va-expands-benefits-options-for-vets-with-other-than-honorable-status/ar-AA1nF9iu
GayVeterans.us Congratulates Tom Swann Hernandez on his 30th Anniversary of his historic lawsuit against the Dept. of the Navy for gay discrimination.
He is honoring then Sec. of the Navy John Dalton. Please take a moment and read how the Navy changed their ways and affects YOU. https://www.swannsalutesjohndalton.com

Follow Us On Social Media

 Join our own social media platform in The Portal

We no longer support Facebook or x/Twitter due to their politics and actions.

If you qualify, please consider joining the Disabled American Veterans
they DO support the LGBTQ Veterans Community
By Clicking Here

If you notice the little square box in your browser tab is a pink triangle, which was taken from Leonard Matlovitch’s headstone which serves as a tribute to him and his efforts with lifting the ban on gays in the military. 

Post Exchange

We now have a growing PX for your shopping needs! All merchants have signed on because they Support and Thank You for your service as LGBTQ Veterans! Please check back often as we continue to add those who sign on. All proceeds go right back to GayVeterans.us keeping it updated and online. We thank you in advance for your support.

When applied to the following merchants to be a part of the PX, they simply denied our application. Apparently, the following merchants so far don’t want your business:  BJ’s, Columbia, Costco, Cuisinart, FedEx, Hello Fresh, Hotels.com, Macy’s, Nike, Office Depot, Orbitz, Travelocity, USAA, Zappo’s, Farberware, 1-800-Flowers, Panera Bread, Pet Friendly, Academy Sports, Old Navy, Jockey International.