GayVeteransUS-Inc. is a non-profit, charitable organization in the State of Tennessee and has applied for IRS §501(c)(3) status, allowing you to deduct donations as charitable contributions on your tax filings. We are run by veteran volunteers, so our expenses are extremely low - no rent, no payroll, nothing fancy. Each year we will file a publicly-available Form 1099 with the IRS allowing you to see how money is spent. We do have expenses - advertising, maintaining the websites, keeping them up-to-date, adding new features, web server hosting fees, domain name renewals, administrative costs, and postage,- so we depend on your financial support.
If you are able to make a donation, please use our PayPal donations directly or send checks to the address listed above. Your generosity will permit us to maintain and expand our services. We sincerely thank you in advance!
GayVeteransUS-Inc. is founded and maintained by Bill Kibler, who is a 100% hearing impaired, disabled, and retired from the VA after 11.5 years of service. A US Marine Beirut Veteran who served with the Multinational Peacekeeping Force, Beirut, Lebanon from late 1982 to early months of 1983. He was not there for the terrorist bombing on Oct. 23, 1983. Bill also maintains the website for the CA LGBTQ Veterans Memorial. He maintained the Journals Program website and InPress server for the American Psychological Association for 13.5 years. He's also done community service work helping such people as Broadway's own Steve Schalchlin, Jon and Michael Galluccio, (the gay couple who sued NJ for the right to jointly adopt children, kicking off the nationwide gay adoption drama), Got Felipe Rose started online, (the Indian for the Village People), and the DC Metropolitan Police Dept. Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit (GLLU) making history as a nationwide resource website for the law enforcement community to research such things as hate crimes and discrimination within the LGBTQ Community. (The UK modeled their own GLLU program after DC's exposure) He worked on Don't Ask Don't Tell Repeal for 12 years and was at the DADT Repeal Law signing ceremony, Dec. 22, 2010.
Bill is no stranger to online communities, dating back to the mid 1980s running a computer bulletin board system (BBS). He later went on to internet relay chat (IRC) where he ran a few chat channels, progressing to running an IRC server. With the birth of the Internet while living in Jersey City, NJ, he dove into HTML and created GayNYC.Net and GayNJ.Net - community resource websites. Having moved back to DC, he set up shop with GayDC.Net. He moved onto IMVU, 3D Chat, where he maintains a few 3D chatrooms there. He's now retired living just outside Nashville, TN, and embarking on a few new community projects to keep him occupied:
Supporting the LGBTQ US Veterans Community
After 35+ years of working with the Beirut Veterans community and enduring nothing but hate and bigotry from within, he decided enough was enough and discussed his plans with the other 2 LGBTQ Veterans who also endured the same experiences from within the Beirut Veterans community. Yes, there are some good people there, but for the most part, the overall bigotry anti LGBTQ atmosphere weighed its toll on the 3 Beirut Veterans. is our vision. Our commitment to the entire LGBTQ Veterans Community to provide both a Safe Space, free from what we have experienced within our own veterans community, and as an online community resource for the entire LGBTQ Veterans Community. We do have plans of creating a Veterans Helping Veterans Foundation TBA at a later date. Currently embarking on a members only Portal tailored just for the community.
Supporting the Gay Cowboys Community
Modeling the same concept as, will serve as a community resource website for the Gay Cowboys community.
Currently in development.
Supporting those who have been living with HIV/AIDS over 40 years
Being HIV- and having lost several close friends to HIV/AIDS, and having several friends currently still living after 40 years, Bill is highlighting those friends in a new concept, creating a supportive online community for those in the "Over 40 Club", featuring Broadway's own Steve Schalchlin, the San Francisco Gay Mens Chorus, and Veterans Advocate Tom Swann-Hernandez.
He also maintains the following websites:
* In addition to maintaining websites, he also is Admin for several Facebook groups